Well-Stocked Vacation Rentals Get Far Better Reviews

Every detail of your vacation rental counts!

Well-Stocked Vacation Rentals Get Far Better Reviews

If you think it doesn’t matter what size or type of bar soap you stock your vacation rental with you might want to think again. In today’s market everyone is posting reviews on sites like Google, TripAdvisor and Yelp! among others. You can’t afford to give them any reason to post anything less than a stellar review.


Don’t think your vacationers won’t notice the dollar store brands you may be stocking your place with. If you want to get top dollar for your vacation rental, then you have to treat your guests like royalty:

~ Consider buying only top-of-the-line brand name items.

~ Stock with full size bottles of soaps, hair products, and toothpaste.

~ Show your guests that you’ve gone the extra distance for them, and they’ll repay you tenfold.


Throw away those cheap thread-worn towels and washcloths and invest in some thick, luxurious ones from a nice department store. Get at least a half dozen sets of matching bath towel, hand towel and washcloth. Providing inexpensive sleep masks and slippers can make your guests feel like a million bucks and you can be sure they’ll come back to stay again!


If you furnish your rental with secondhand pots and pans from a consignment shop, consider replacing them with a new matching set. It’s a small thing that doesn’t cost a lot and will make a big difference. Besides, pots and pans last forever!


Change out that mismatched assortment of silverware for a nice, matched set that isn’t half rusted. Invest in a good basic set of spatulas, spoons, steak knives and measuring spoons and cups, while you’re at it. Make meal prep a good experience in your vacation rental and not a treasure hunt.


An often-neglected part of vacation rentals are the mattresses. If you wouldn’t sleep on it, then you shouldn’t expect your guests to. Don’t use your vacation rental as a dumping ground for your used items. A mattress that is sagging in the middle or along the sides should be replaced. A new mattress can last you 15-20 years so whatever you pay you’ll get your money’s worth and along the way you’ll get great reviews!


If you really want to make a difference, go over and above what other vacation rentals supply. Have some inexpensive bicycles, kayaks, and/or canoes on hand for your guests to use.

Basically, provide your guests with a fabulous stay and they’ll tell everyone. Give them less than they expected (or paid for) and, you guessed it, they’ll tell everyone.